featuring the art ofwww.bimsan.net
(if you like what you see here, you should check out his other work!
Herein you will find my favorite poetry, some of it my own, some of it handed to me by friends, some of it, brought to my attention by friends. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.
This book is dedicated to all my friends on the net, and in the bars and cafes in the world who write dark poetry, but never see it published.
This page is for those who seek only appreciation
submit your works to my email, and if it meets my criteria for dark poetry, you'll see it here......
Midnight Lover
Wicked Kisses
What was that?
was that you, my love
did I just feel your arm brushing mine?
I thought you left last night,
that I was sleeping alone
That never again would I love you
Or hear your soft cry of ecstasy.
But it can’t be you,
You left your key
I locked the door before I went to bed
so, who is that pulling back
the blankets and sheets of my lonely bed?
Whose breath, even now, cools my cheek?
And whispers “Be still my love” in my ear?
And touches me
Is that you, my love,
who I thought I had lost?
Whose warm body now lies next to mine?
And whose feverish skin warms me
As you hold me tight.
The room is so dark,
I cannot even see your form
Silhouetted in the moonlight
Nor is there a shadow of your hair
Dark against the pillow
Who brushes my hair away from my throat,
to kiss with hot lips, and pull me up close
Who encircles my waist and pulls up my leg
And whose sharp teeth Scratch my throat?
Could that be you, my love who left me alone?
Could it be you’ve come back
for this silent pleasure Once more,
as you touch me In the darkness
I feel you
Your hands touch me so warmly
On thigh, hip, and belly
Your breast pressed to mine
As your mouth finds the pulse
on my neck
as your fingers
Find out my secrets...............
And now, my love,
we fly higher
On both pain and longing
Our heartbeating thunders
And sharp teeth, bright pain
both take me higher
and still I am waiting
To hear your voice.
Your mouth at my throat
Your hand twixt my thighs
My breath coming faster
I die in your arms.
The Embrace
a glacial ridge between us
a sheet of ice where our fingers should meet
she feels nothing
she almost leans against me
my back to hers
they found her shattered
with pieces of her in my blood
a bullet almost through her head
by Petra L.
Eyes Can Only Look
Tongues of lies
Forked sleek and mean
Licking blood from your wounds
Poor baby blue
do you listen and hide?
Need the comfort of a womb?
Safe and soft and quiet?
Bear your heart to the wind
Open the gift or give it away
Shackled by echoing words and instants gone
the weight of yesterday ruins the day
Eyes can only look one way.
A. Welch
La Luna
The moon spills ancient across my floor
(and skills its fingers through my smoke
and this is how I know I am alive)
When the hard faced merchant of silver dreams
growls low through a clouded beard
and reels me on the forever
snakeskins of the wind
jungle pyramids and Hopi graves
the word, the ocean and my eyes
long waves breaking on my lashes
Dig it is the darktime,
and all its mouths
girded by sirens,
howls falling ‘round the roofs,
tucking into the edges of this night
Dig I am blue I am blue
and the clearfaced ridges of luna’s
dry sea fold me into Moses weeds
into Elijah’s chariot,
into Queen Maya’s sweet hands
sipping guava
I am alive in its songs
soothing belly strokes
kind hands that spread me
naked, tired, drawn
and bent across a starless sky
across a torched out city
that clatters hearts and radiators
through the cactus
leaning unknown beside stucco walls
Yes, the moon is gentle in its light
cool in its moves
finger laying silent along the dried stems
of ended sunflowers
the paint peeling heads of cherubs
holding plaster urns
Mexican clay angels dancing above dark flowers
(Lady singing her cheeva heavy orchids,
Monk smoking his lunatic night
the old old lady rocking back and to
in forget me resthome rooms,
though her son has left her
the moon, it always comes back
coming like all flowers do
one hesitating petal at a time)
Oh Luna
a half head hanging from a sixth street bar
Oh Luna
coughing lonely tunes at the corner
payphone calling magic numbers to your home
Oh Luna
a cat’s golden eye peering between willow leaves
a bus pulling dowtown out of breath
lovers pushing sweet bones in
Oh Luna
do me darktime through the eucalyptus leaves
do me sweet thing deep beneath the desert streets,
do me quiet dreams down at the sea
whisper to me madman lovely worlds
through the electric cowboy’s laughing cold tongues
along these neon stones
Oh Luna do me through my walls
old with you
slow with you
Oh Luna, do me
Oh Luna, do me
Steve Abee
i cannot blame it all on her
to blame her all would be a lie
for many a night i lay awake
and wished that i could watch her die
to see her accusing finger spurt
to see flies swarm her hateful eye
to watch her groaning in the dirt
to see her clicking tongue crack dry
o brother, buy me one more drink
one more drink and then good bye
and do not mock me when i say
let’s drink one more before i dieo brother
my cup is empty
and i haven’t got a penny
for to buy no more whiskey
i have to go homewell, i’ve been sliding down on rainbows
i’ve been swinging from the stars
now this wretch in beggar’s clothing
bangs his cup across the bars
look, this cup of mine is empty
seems i’ve misplaced my desires
seems i’m sweeping up the ashes
of all my former fires
so, brother, be a brother
and fill this tiny cup of mine
and, please sir, make it whiskey
for i’ve no head for wine.
Nick Cave
Bear It
You have a question?
Heh, don't ask me.
I don't make the rules,
I con't create the pain,
I don't force the issue
I won't tell the lies,
I just bear it.
I just hold it
I just caress it
I just.....
Is there a need?
Lemme tell you about it.
Shall we dance first?
Do we need to?
Is there a Light?
You can turn it on.
I don't mind it.
It's the sun I mind
Causes my pain.
I'm not going to stop you
Look at me, sure, go ahead.
I don't mind.
It's the need, I know
And the Pain, I hold
It's the fear inside
But the light, I don't know...
I just bear it
I just hold it
I just caress it
I just need it
I just burn with it
I just mind it
I just treasure it
I just know it.
by Wicked KissesBreaking Point
Pull on my heartstrings
That's right
Just a little harder now
That was it,
the point
But don't stop now.
Keep pulling, tug harder, it hurts me
and I need that pain
Is it not enough?
Okay, now I'll pull, you tell me when,
Yes, darling dance.
Show me how much you love this
Dance and I will dance with you
Harder, faster, and yet,
Not enough, not ever enough, for you
what do I do?
Shall I tug in a different direction?
Is it here?
Or is the hook in too deep?
No, I can't bear this,
If I must be bled
It should at least be real blood,
Not this colorless pain.
So lie to me, and say you love me
Say it is too much for you as well,
And so we go our separate ways,
Never to dance this waltz again.
by Wicked Kisses
( from a book I'm working on)
I have given up my name
For the pleasure of the Night
And the sound of silent breathing
Is too loud and clear tonight.
I have taken what was given
As you have taken what I gave
And the pain is slowly fading
Like a memory in your hand
For the mem'ry of my life
Of the love that I once knew
Is a shadow of the pleasure
That I now give to you.
The pleasure that you give me
So frighteningly bright
Helps me to remember
what I gave up tonight
I see quicksilver mortals
As they go about their lives
and I wonder 'will I miss it?'
Their swiftly beating
Running, fleeting
Constant meeting
Sleeping eating
Pulse of mortal life?by Wicked Kisses Nobody
(I don't remember who wrote this, but it's an OLD fave of mine) Nobody loves me
Nobody cares
Nobody picks me peaches and pears
Nobody offers me candy and cokes
Nobody listens and laughs at my jokes
Nobody helps when I get in a fight
Nobody does all my homework at night
Nobody misses me
Nobody gave me a pearl
Nobody thinks I'm a wonderful girl
so if you ask me who's my best friend,
In a whiz
I'll stand up and tell you that Nobody is.
But yesterday night, I got quite a scare.
I woke up and Nobody just wasn't there!
I called out and reached out
for nobody's hand
In the darkness where nobody usually stands
Then I poked through the house
in each cranny and nook
but I found SOMEBODY
each place that I looked
I've searched 'til I'm tired
And now with the dawn
There's no doubt about it.
Nobody's gone.Living on the Edge
(again, author unknown)
As the world turns the candle burns
Reality is a pendulum that swings
Between the bar and the bathroom
Revolving around my soulless companion
Vice is nice
Every night is just my way
Of saying goodbye to yesterday
Never look back
Like a velvet wonder
Wrap myself in.
Burning the minutesIt's a must, lust.
Too hot to handle
Like a volcano
Nothing to hold onto
so just be happyFutures volotile, it drags us apart
You must pay the devil to lay down with godNone of these things means any other
Do not confuse me with my life
Little hummingbird whirlsThis heart that beats fast and true.
The Price
(unknown author)Time stands still and reality fades away When I have all but forgotten Something returns me to yesterday Locked behind invisible walls Of my own device I lived only blindly Till your light peirced my night Pain and confusion Were swept away A gentle touch, a kind word Kept the demons at bay My heart and life you captured Gently in your hand Scared and alone was I When you taught me to stand You showed me the world Not as it is, was or will be But one filled with magic, Mystery and majesty You handed me my dreams All tied up in lace My hopes blossomed, my sorrows Faded, gone without a trace I knew miracles and fatasies do come true They were mine for the asking If I told of them only to you I was a child I was a fool Your actions were kind Your heart was cruel I knew not what you would charge Or of the debt I would pay full well In nights darkness, laughingly You cast me into hell The price of innocence and trust From my heart and body you tore You gave to me so much but in the end took so much more.
Rain pounds hard on stone,
and shears tender flesh asunder
A black cloak flaps in torment
And dances to vicious thunder.Eyes shine in pools of light
Breath comes slowly in dark repose
A heart beasts still this night
And seeks sadness to disposeA whisp of softest tresses finds flight
But is deluged by night's tears
and a river of warmth burns her cheek
But is lost among all fearsa soul burns splendidly on the pyre
And only its maker has a part
'Tis the loss of something Precious
'tis the torture of one's heart.
by 'Malfador'
Beyond Words
Warm....your breath
It brushes my skin
So softly,
A shiver racks my body
Your face is before me
It comes closer
Will you touch me?
Your lips so close
I turn aside... and then I feel it.
The sweet sensation,Ah!
the pain... so sweet upon my neck
Shadows dance across the wall
I see nothing more
Then the sharp tingling of nails raking, raking...
Slowly across my chest,
Your body across mine
Your breasts press against me
There can be nothing more exquisite
than these sensations.
By 'Vesper'
The Death of Mary Poppins
(author unknown to me. If you know the author's name or alias, please email me)I murdered Mary Poppins
Dead with one thrust of my knife
Her cheery disposition
'Twas the reason I took her lifeAlthough she spread joy to the world
With her smile
Though she made children laugh
She was brought to trialMary Poppins, I condemn thee
For all the love you gave
It was never enough
There were still children you did not save.
Children still get hurt
Children still get abused
Their terrors were quite real
They live scared and confusedWhat about the ones
To whom you never came
Who sat, waiting for your touch
To take away the pain?Mary Poppins, with empty words
You promised love and happiness
But you knew you hid that
Children would still live in darkness(I murdered Mary Poppins
Dead with one thrust of my knife
Her cheery disposition
'Twas the reason I took her life)